
Friday, December 19, 2003

Here's an interesting essay on the "Law of Good vs. Law of Right"

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Here is an essay by Steven den Beste that contains a good explanation of the reasons behind the world's opposition to US power, especially that power as utilized in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Oh, boy.... this is ludicrous. (Courtesy of Michele at A Small Victory)

Saturday, December 13, 2003

Wow!! Check this out! (And eat your heart out, Europe!)

Thursday, December 11, 2003

Sorry about not posting for a while... things were crazy here, with finals and the snow and all.

Ahh, the snow... or should I saw, snow-capped ice. It rained most of Tuesday evening, and when the rain finally turned to snow, it covered a nice think layer of ice. As those of us in snow states know, snow-covered ice is just about the most dangerous surface to drive on (the only one more dangerous would be wet snow-covered ice). Fortunately, I didn't have to drive anywhere Wednesday morning, so I was OK.

Speaking of Wednesday morning... I did something I've been waiting MONTHS to do: I got a new cell phone. (And a new plan as well, but the phone itself was what I was really going for). It's an LG VX4400, and it's a real nifty little phone. You see, before I had a Nokia 5165, which was a decent phone, but it was getting old and was starting to do strange things, like turn itself off at random times. Also, the alarm would go off at random times when I was visiting St. Louis (and most of those times were in the middle of the night). Plus, it was just so darn big! I enjoyed my time with the phone, but it was time to move on.

My new phone is a flip-open model, and it has such unnecessary goodies as a color display and polyphonic ring (for those of you who don't know what "polyphonic" means, basically it means it can play different notes at the same time... well, not exactly at the same time, because technically "polyphonic" implies that the notes are not necessarily in the same rhythm. SIGH... in other words, it can play cool music). I chose the "Badinerie" by Bach, which is actually a movement from one of the instrumental suites, and which was my ring on my old phone. (When I found out that it had the same ring except with harmony, I almost started jumping up and down in the store). It also has a mini-organizer, and can store hundreds of phone numbers, and can dial them by voice command if I so desire. I don't even know all the great stuff it can do yet... the sound is pretty good, although I haven't quite got the hang of where exactly to put my ear yet. It also takes me a few seconds to release it from its belt clip, although I expect that will become more natural with time and use (I've only had the phone for half a day so far). But far and away, it's the most fascinating toy I've purchased since I got my new car two years ago.

Monday, December 08, 2003

Courtesy of Andrew Sullivan, here is a link to a website that opposes the proposed Federal Marriage Amendment-- and does so for completely conservative reasons. Money quote by David Brooks: "'We shouldn't just allow gay marriage. We should insist on gay marriage."

Sunday, December 07, 2003

And speaking of things Japanese, Steven den Beste has some interesting posts about anime and related cultural ideas.
Click here, here, here, and here, in that order. If you're not my brother Matt, then just click the last three.
If you haven't been to Engrish.com for a while, then click here. Make sure you're in a place where you can laugh out loud, or you're liable to pee yourself.

Saturday, December 06, 2003

Go here and vote for Best Overall Weblog! Don't let www.kottke.org win-- they're leftist and anti-semitic!
Ohmygosh! I can't believe this one! (But better view it before Monday, otherwise it will be gone!)

Friday, December 05, 2003

Oh, good grief. What a crock. (Courtesy of Pejmanesque)

Thursday, December 04, 2003

Well, well, well... I was starting to wonder if I really had a reason to go on blogging... I hadn't posted for quite some time... but then I got a wonderful and inspiring e-mail from my dear brother, who quite eloquently convinced me that there were many and varied reasons to continue posting my thoughts and musings online. So who am I to refuse?

This points to an interesting article demonstrating why the French are a world superpower (insert tongue in cheek).

Do you like fairy tales? That's too bad, because many Lefties think they're too scary or violent for children. Here is a nice, new sanitized version of Cinderella that is guaranteed not to cause offense.

Here is an interesting take on what it means to be an American.

Is that enough for you, Matt? ;-)

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